Finally Flying The Nest

While we were looking to buy our flat we originally decided to buy two bedrooms, so then the second bedroom can be an office for Chris. While I can work away on my laptop sat on the sofa, Chris needs a dedicated working space, mostly because he can spend hours coding away on his pc,…
If you’re a fan of scented candles then this giveaway is something that might interest you! Have you ever lit a scented candle to find the scent takes you back to memories you once had? Maybe the scent of pine needles or mulled wine? Recently Sudocrem have invented a scented candle to help take people…
You may have noticed things have been quiet around my little corner of the internet lately. In February I started my first full time ‘real world’ job. Not having worked full time in an office environment before I didn’t know how this would effect me and my Ehlers-Danlos syndromme. I decided to be organised and schedule…
It’s always interesting to look back on my new years resolutions at the end of the year and see if I managed to stick to them. Last year I wrote this post about my new years resolutions, and what I wanted to achieve in 2014, lets see if I stuck to them! Get a real job Did…
This Christmas I’m really into burning festive smelling candles. In fact, I sat burning a few, watching Christmas films whilst I did all my Christmas wrapping. I’ve always been a bit of a scented candle addict, but there’s a few that I’ve found very fitting for this time of year. As I have a few favorites this year…
Maybe you’re like me and Valentine’s this year has just crept up on you, and before you realised it’s here. In a panic about getting a last minute Valentine’s gift for your loved one? Or maybe you’ve spent so long looking for the perfect gift you’ve completely forgotten to buy anything! It happens to the…