Happy Fathers Day!

So today is Valentines Day, or as others like to call it, Single Awareness day. Although I’ve spent the past couple of years in a relationship on Valentines Day, me and my partner have never made a big deal out of it. I’ve never been one for flowers, chocolates and all things heart shaped on…
Now it’s February everyone’s focus has switched from getting fit and being healthy, to all things Valentine’s Day. I find that Valentine’s Day gifts can often get a little samey, with the usual chocolates and flowers still proving to be popular. Although this year I’ve spotted a couple of different gifts, and thought I’d share them with you in case…
I love Christmas, and now it’s mid November, I’m so excited. Christmas is my favourite time of the year, I always feel so happy and appreciative of what I have. To start getting into the spirit I went to the first of many Christmas fairs at the weekend, and I’ve bought my own first Christmas decorations ready to…
So it’s coming up to that time of the year where the ‘back to school/uni’ stationary comes out, and this year I decided to treat myself to some nice new stationary. I’ve always had bit of an obsession with stationary, I just love nothing more than starting the new year with nice new stuff, don’t…
Recently I’ve been on a mission to lose a little weight. I’ve tried most diets in the past, but I usually fail or end up giving up before I get a chance to finish them. I’m officially the worst person at diets. One diet that I’ve never tried before is a meal replacement diet, but…
Excuse the Blink 182 reference but today is my 23rd birthday! 23 has always felt like an age I should have figured my life out by, like I should be a proper grown up adult. Although that’s not quite the case I’m still going to enjoy my birthday! Sadly I’m spending the day at work,…