Lets Have A Little Catch Up

I can’t believe Christmas is over already, that seemed to come and go so quickly! I had a lovely quiet Christmas this year at my other halves parents, and a lot of food was consumed! I love being nosey at what other people got for Christmas, and if you’re one of those people too why…
I never had much of an opinion of bloggers getting business cards, I didn’t really understand the concept. In my opinion business cards were for people like my dad, who had a role in a company and needed business cards to professionally promote themselves. I didn’t really see how it would work in the blogging world until…
So if you weren’t aware, I turned the grand age of 21 on the 14th May (at 5.11am if we’re going to be exact…). My birthday sort of spread out over many days this year, with the Saturday before (12th) having a night out with the uni friends, and a surprise visit from my best…
I work full time at a digital agency, and while I love my job, it can be quite stressful at times and for me to feel pretty tired come the end of the week. When I’m not at work I like to try and take some time out for myself to relax to get rid…
Recently I’ve been talking a lot on Twitter and on my blog about learning to run, and the main reason was to start training to do a 5K mud run at the end of September. Somehow two friends of ours talked me and Chris into entering with them and a few other friends to help raise…
I’m sure many of you bloggers are aware that the Cosmo Blog Awards 2011 is currently happening. If you don’t know what it is, basically “Cosmo is on the hunt for the best of the blogosphere”. You can read more about it here. So now is the chance for you to nominate your favourite blogs! Basically…