My First Car Memories*

*Post includes a sponsored link
*Post includes a sponsored link
I used to be a big book reader when I was younger, you could never get me away from one. But as I’ve got older I’m struggling to get back into reading after having to read so many for my degree! I’ve been trying to get back into reading for a while, and for Christmas…
I’ve always grown up in a house full of books, and I spent years when I was younger with my head stuck in a good book. I must have read hundreds of books when I was younger, but since my university days I’ve lost my passion for reading. I have a huge list of books…
Taking inspiration from Bex’s blog I decided to come up with a list of 25 things I want to do before I turn 25. Although I’m only actually going to be 23 this year, I still wanted to take part in this, and it gives me something to aim for! In May 2016 I’ll turn 25, and…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.64″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] Hi I’m Lisahh-Jayne and I spend far too much money on things I don’t need. Last year I attempted to save money and saved a whole £0 leaving myself just as poor as I was last year. This year I’m determined to actually stick to my New Years…
Every month on the blog I mention my favourite beauty products from the past month, but I never mention anything non-beauty related that’s been a favourite of mine. I decided this month to try something a bit different and talk about a few things that have been my favourite during August. Zest Magazine At the…
Since we’ve adopted our deaf cat Jeff, we’ve pretty much spoilt him rotten. Since I found out he had a sad past I’ve felt bad for him, and want to show him that he’s loved and wanted. This means we like to make sure he’s got plenty of toys, gets loads of fuss, and the…