My First Car Memories*

*Post includes a sponsored link
*Post includes a sponsored link
For a while now I’ve been a little unhappy about my weight. Since starting uni in September I’ve found I’ve put on a bit of weight, and that my eating habits have got worse. I’ve also started drinking a lot more than I used to, and frequently have the odd cheeky take away. I’ve noticed that a…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] Currently I’m 10 days away from the end of my degree. A massive 3 years of my life will end in 10 days, and I have to start the next chapter of my life. A degree It’s currently a very overwhelming time, and its safe to say I’ve…
If you’ve been active on social media at all, you’ve probably noticed the ongoing promotion and sharing of “natural home remedies” and “holistic treatments.” It seems that there’s a growing trend in society, with a huge percentage of people speaking out against alleged corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. If we flash back to more than…
Recently I’ve been on a mission to lose a little weight. I’ve tried most diets in the past, but I usually fail or end up giving up before I get a chance to finish them. I’m officially the worst person at diets. One diet that I’ve never tried before is a meal replacement diet, but…
Now it’s February everyone’s focus has switched from getting fit and being healthy, to all things Valentine’s Day. I find that Valentine’s Day gifts can often get a little samey, with the usual chocolates and flowers still proving to be popular. Although this year I’ve spotted a couple of different gifts, and thought I’d share them with you in case…
Just to let you all know, I’ve created a Facebook page for my blog! I plan on writing blog updates on here, as I do on my Twitter page, along with some beauty chatter. I’d love it if you guys could give my page a ‘like’ as I’ve not got many at the moment. I’m…