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At the beginning of October I blogged about my goals for the month. Since then October seems to have completely whizzed by, and now it’s November I can completely focus on all things Christmas! While I’ve been really busy this past month, I’ve completely forgotten what I set out to achieve in October, so now’s a good a time as…
On Friday evening I attended the Herts Bloggers Xmas Party at Pizza Express in St Albans organised by the lovely Sarah and Scarlett. I love blogger meet ups and events, especially as it gives you the chance to meet fellow bloggers, have a chat and really get to know the blogger behind the blog. Of course this one…
Today is the second anniversary of when I was sat in my bedroom one night and thought ‘Do you know what, I think I’m going to start a blog’. Back when I didn’t think it would last for more than a month, and when I thought no one would read what I had to say….
About a month ago I posted about my new favourite Jelly Belly candle. Well I loved the smell so much that I found myself constantly burning it, until it ran out. I found I loved Jelly Belly candles so much that I just had to buy some more. I’ve read a lot about Jelly Belly candles…
Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Since the end of November I’ve been planning all sorts of Christmas fun, making cards, wrapping presents, and decorating the house. Every year we put up our fake Christmas tree and decorate it in the front room, but upstairs in my bedroom there aren’t really any festive…
Christmas is meant to be a time of happiness and for people to spend with their families, but sadly this isn’t always the case. If you’re feeling lonely, or need any help this Christmas please pick up the phone and remember you are not alone. Merry Christmas x MIND Website Tel No 0300 123…