Slip Into Summer – Update #2

This week has been a funny old week, and I don’t really think I have many interesting things to say but I don’t want to give up my new little series so quickly. I’ve spent most of this week suffering with the worst cold ever. It started as a sore throat, and come wednesday my…
With Christmas less than a month away, it’s safe to say it’s pretty close now. With only a few weeks to go it’s time to start fully preparing for the big day, organising my Christmas shopping, and have a few Christmas parties along the way. I’m always a pretty last minute person when it comes…
Having a boyfriend who’s from Sunderland, a lot of our ‘holiday’ time is spent travelling up the A1 to visit friends and family members up there. I enjoy visiting the north, but I do find it very different from down here. They use funny words for one thing. On our last trip up north I…
001. I love these type of posts so I’ve decided to start my own! And I’m going to try and keep it up every week. Although excuse the rubbish webcam photo, I forgot to charge my camera before I did this! 002. This past week has been rather uneventful, although it was a friend of…
I’ve always been a lover of scented candles, and for ages and ages now I’ve wanted a Yankee Candle. I hear them raved about all the time, and as a big lover of scented candles, I thought their large selection of scented candles would be perfect for me. [button link=”” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Checkout Product…
So if you weren’t aware, I turned the grand age of 21 on the 14th May (at 5.11am if we’re going to be exact…). My birthday sort of spread out over many days this year, with the Saturday before (12th) having a night out with the uni friends, and a surprise visit from my best…